Bouquet of Blooms
This combination of seasonal blooms are perfect for any occasion! This bouquet is available in three sizes: Petite, Standard and Lux. Select the color pallet preferred and let our team work their magic! Upgrade by adding a vessel of your choice. All orders are wrapped with tissue paper, tied with beautiful ribbon and includes a hand written note.
This combination of seasonal blooms are perfect for any occasion! This bouquet is available in three sizes: Petite, Standard and Lux. Select the color pallet preferred and let our team work their magic! Upgrade by adding a vessel of your choice. All orders are wrapped with tissue paper, tied with beautiful ribbon and includes a hand written note.
This combination of seasonal blooms are perfect for any occasion! This bouquet is available in three sizes: Petite, Standard and Lux. Select the color pallet preferred and let our team work their magic! Upgrade by adding a vessel of your choice. All orders are wrapped with tissue paper, tied with beautiful ribbon and includes a hand written note.
Delivery options
In store pick up - $0
Zone A - 11237 or 11385 $15
Zone B - 11206, 11208, 11212, 11216, 11222, 11205, 11207, 11211, 11213 $25
Zone C - 11201, 11218, 11233, 11203, 11217 or 11238 $35
Zone D - 11215, 11218, 11226, 11225, 11236 $40
Zone E -Manhattan (80TH STREET AND BELOW) $50
Deliveries are made Tuesday through Sunday 10:00am to 7:00pm.
For same day delivery please call ahead (347) 210 - 9403
For same day deliveries we have an average of 3 hour turn around from order time to delivery
Stolen Magnoila chooses the best in seasonal Blooms. Flower varieties may change depending on climate and availability with growers. Due to the perishable nature of flowers, the lifespan varies from bloom to bloom.
All sales are final, Stolen Magnolia does not offer returns or refunds.